We are excited to announce the world's first ever AngelNFT collection.

The first ever AngelNFT collection in the world will be minted and sold on FunbleNFT & OpenSea. This collection was designed by Fortune with the aim of enabling collectors make automated investments of a certain percentage he profits from sales of each unit of his art work into accredited venture capital firms that reinvests into promising startups which in return pays the creator as ROI and said profits will be shared equally between creator and every wallet that has ever bought or sold any unit of his collection.

Alpha & Son series available on Opensea.

Consisting of 22 art units.

No gas fees would be included. All works are minted on Polygon blockchain.

Plague series on Rarible.com

Buy any of the plague series already minted on Rarible.com or Opensea.io and get future returns from my investments to your wallet.

Collection information

500 unique collectibles is also the first hybrid collectible consisting of Art and musical works all serving as investment or angel NfT. Each NFT unit will represent every wallet that has bought or sold it as a metaverse investor persona in legal binding or partnership with VC firms it gets attached with, every return on investments sent back by the VC on payday will be shared among every wallet in that NFT unit history with proof of purchase.

Inspiration behind Fortune500 collection.

“As the thoughts of God are higher than the thoughts of man, i believe our human understanding can never be able to depict the appearance of the heavenly hosts, the closest most natural & consistent element to describe their existence is colour because they existed naturally and direct from the creator himself, they best represent the symbolic entities connected to God.


Only 5 series consisting of 50 art works has been released for sale on Opensea & Rarible.

When you successfully purchase a collectible you will recieve a link as an unlockable content where you will need to fill your information which includes your wallet link to future return from investments can be paid to you.

Note: every wallet will be throughly verified on the blockchain before approval.

Creator’s message

Dear collector,

When you buy my NFT, i will invest a certain percentage into accredited VC firms i partner with and at every payday the returns will be split equally between I and every wallet that has purchased that particular NFT item.

Email me for VC partnership or sponsorship.

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